113 N. Cypress Street Hammond, LA 70403
(985) 340-9150
This exhibit encourages interaction for children. The many different gear sizes are playful, whimsical, fun, and interesting to watch.
Much of Louisiana is timbered with a variety and abundance of beautiful trees. One of the most popular is the Oak Tree. The City of Hammond is well known for its large, historic Oak Trees. The base of the tree exhibit and its raised platform house many interesting facts and discoveries for little visitors. This exhibit encourages quiet interaction and promotes book reading.
This area is filled with fun pretend play for visitors 3 years and under. From caring for babies, cooking up a meal, to sliding down their own toddler slide. Here, children can also explore a multi-sensory journey through the Tactile Tunnel.
This versatile art center has plenty of workspace for the young artist, and the colorful design provides instant inspiration! Perfect for all kinds of creative activities, the creation station has paint and brush bins right at hand and ample storage for supplies. Pedestrians will enjoy the sidewalk art show.
Shrimp, Shrimp, Shrimp! They are boiled, fried, stuffed, stewed in Creole Sauce and added to Louisiana gumbo & jambalaya. Shrimping has a long history in Louisiana. This kid-sized working pier and shrimp boat are sure to keep them busy working the day’s catch.
This exhibit has been specifically designed to promote the knowledge and understanding of hand milking a cow for all ages. The Garden is designed to encourage kids to plant and pick vegetables. A scarecrow with interchangeable outfits watches over the garden.
This exhibit demonstrates a whole new way to view wellness! There are plenty of jobs to go around for our little caretakers. Use stuffed animals to talk about feelings and creative ways to manage anger, frustration or loss in the Vet Clinic. Kids can put on scrubs and role play with the animals.
In the Middendorf’s restaurant, children can discover and pretend to be the cook, server, cashier and more as they play with pretend food but real Middendorf’s menus, aprons and nametags. This quaint exhibit offers a unique experience to all children.
Do you have what it takes to be a surgeon? Try your hand at our operation table while you learn about the organs and skeletal system of the body. Make sure you have a steady hold on your instrument or you might set off the alarm.
The Hammond Emergency Medical Services Ambulance educates visitors about emergency ambulance services for the City of Hammond. When someone calls 911 for a pretend medical emergency, the Hammond EMS role-play ambulance sounds its siren and lights up for transporting the patient. The fully-loaded back end will fascinate all ages.
If you simply want to enjoy the experience of flying, there’s nothing quite like it. Many people describe flying in a hot air balloon as one of the most serene, enjoyable activities they’ve ever experienced. This exhibit will give the illusion of flying without leaving the ground.
Come join the crew! In our construction house, kids can connect plumbing fixtures, take measurements, and build with blocks!
Climbing is truly a sport for all ages. This climbing wall for children is perfect for most kids. Children have remarkable strength-to weight ratios, making them amazing natural climbers. Climbing at a young age helps bolster confidence and gives kids a way to stay fit while still having fun. Unlike many other competitive activities, climbing unites all participants, regardless of their skill level or experience.
Filled with fine and gross motor activities that build coordination and self-confidence, this open-framed multi-level crane invites kids to transport foam bricks, move them around the construction site and raise and lower them. After climbing to the top of the crane, children can slide down the slide and start the fun all over again.
The grand, vintage theater is the centerpiece of the performance gallery. The theater includes a center stage with working lights, curtains, and seating for the crowds. Lights, camera, action!
Immigrants from a variety of nations have added their music traditions to Louisiana’s rich cultural blend. It is no exaggeration to say that Louisiana is one of America’s richest sources of traditional ethnic music. This signature exhibit showcases the sounds of Louisiana by encouraging visitors to dance along to their selected song.
This musical dance floor is a colorful, projected interactive floor that allows visitors to move with the light movements. As the visitor moves over the floor, it reacts with light and sound. The more aerobic you are, the more active the show becomes.
A variety of bubble-making components, from bubble wands to giant bubble machines, engage children in open-ended exploration and experimentation. Bubble stations offer children a chance to explore the science of bubbles.
This exhibit allows children to have fun exploring for hidden treasures and fossils. It is also great for just playing in the sand.
Enjoy dozing and hauling heavy loads of rock with different trucks and bulldozers.