



The Independence City Hall Building in the hub for town activities. The Mayor’s office as well as the meeting room for the Town Alderman are located here. Additoinally, citizens can apply for permits and pay utility bills and traffic fines.

Building & Planning

In order to be cost effective for planning and building inspections, the Town of Independence utilizes the planning and building inspection services of Tangipahoa Parish Government. These professionals ensure construction projects meet the current parish and state building codes.


The Mayor's Court handles adult misdemeanors, traffic offenses, and code enforcement violations, from both state statutes and city ordinances, that occur within the incorporated limits of the Town of Independence Court is in session on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm.
Mayor's Court Magistrate: Casandra Butler
City Prosecutor: Jessica Ledet

Fire Department

The Independence Fire Department is comprised of committed and dedicated firemen who are ready to respond at a moment’s notice. This department fights fires and are the first responders when called upon in an emergency.
Independence Fire Chief: John Polito

Police Department

The mission of the Independence Police Department is to protect the life and property of the citizens of Independence. Community policing and active patrolling helps our citizens know they are safe and secure.
Independence Police Chief: Frank Edwards III
• To report an emergency call 911

Public Works

The Public Works Department keeps our town running. This department is responsible for streets, drainage, the sewer treatment plant, water service and much more.
Public Works Emergency
• Business Hours (M - F / 9 am - 4 pm): 985-878-4145

Fees & Permits

Our Town Clerks work with new businesses in completing applications for business permits and each January coordinates the renewal of existing business tax forms. The staff also coordinates and manages the city residential property taxes working with the Tangipahoa Parish assessor's office.